The importance of signal jammers

In today’s modern society, electronic devices such as WiFi have become an integral part of our daily lives. Although WiFi has become widely popular and used, some people still feel uncomfortable or sensitive to electromagnetic waves. These people may feel pressure or discomfort in the head and chest when exposed to WiFi signals, even in places such as convenience stores or restaurants with free WiFi spots. It is worth noting that most apartment residents have installed WiFi devices, so it is difficult to avoid exposure.

Although high-speed communications rely on radio waves that can penetrate walls, the emission of strong radio waves is restricted due to regulations such as the Radio Law. However, some products can be used within the power range allowed for three-story houses.

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In today’s society, life without WiFi seems difficult. In the United States, some cities have banned the use of devices that emit radio waves such as mobile phones and routers, attracting people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity. Creating cities that restrict the use of radio waves or building soundproof boxes with materials that block electromagnetic waves may be potential solutions, although they may not be applicable to daily life. Best-selling WiFi jammers and GPS jammers in Europe and America.

It is important to understand that electromagnetic waves have an ionization effect, which produces positive and negative charges when they interact with matter. This phenomenon allows radios to play music and TV antennas to generate electricity, allowing us to watch news and TV dramas on LCD screens. Likewise, human nerves transmit electrical signals, and when these signals detect substances and transmit them to the brain, certain allergies may occur. While most brains ignore these electrical signals, a hypersensitive brain can react more sensitively, and even have a severe reaction.

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The nerves or brains of people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity may be more sensitive to WiFi radio waves than the average person. WiFi operates on the same frequency as microwave ovens, which may have a greater impact on the human body than radio and television waves.

In this case, jammers may be a potential solution. Jammers can block electromagnetic waves from devices such as mobile phones and wireless LANs within a specific range, providing a shielded environment. There are various portable jammers that can be carried and activated when the situation allows, allowing people to reduce their exposure to WiFi signals and relieve any discomfort or sensitivity they may experience.

Best Selling Signal Jammers

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