Small jammers avoid these

Nowadays, signal jammer technology is very mature, and the application of small radio signal jammers is becoming more and more common. These devices can effectively meet your needs and play a vital role in various scenarios. It is no longer a rare thing to encounter small jammers in our daily life. Compared with professional jammers used by professionals, small jammers have reached a mature stage in technology, and the interference effect is sufficient for ordinary users.

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Therefore, the jammer market has entered a stage of price competition. However, when buying low-priced products, there are some things to pay attention to. Although their interference effect may be satisfactory, problems may occur during use. For example, when using a small cell phone jammer, it should not be directly connected to a 220V voltage source. Instead, the voltage should be adjusted to 12V using a power adapter. This is because the electromagnetic waves emitted by the power adapter may interfere with the work of the jammer.

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When installing a small jammer, avoid being close to the surrounding wires, especially in places such as schools, where jammers are often placed in secluded corners. It is crucial to install the jammer correctly, and it is best to avoid strong wires because they affect safety and the overall interference effect. In addition, the placement of the jammer will also affect its effect. Improper placement may cause blind spots in some areas. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a thorough investigation and select a suitable location to install the phone jammer to ensure optimal performance.

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