Why are some exam room jammers very cheap? Can the quality and lifespan be guaranteed?

In order to ensure the fairness and equity of the exam, the examination room is usually equipped with shielding equipment. The demand for such equipment in examination rooms, including judicial and professional skills examinations, is great every year. In addition, with the advancement of mobile phone technology from 2G to 5G in the past two decades, the examination room jammers need to be regularly updated to match the frequencies of the latest mobile phones.

There are several key considerations when selecting and purchasing examination room jammers:


The shielding equipment in the examination room should meet the requirements of shielding all types of signals currently in use.

18 channel mobile jammersignal vhf wifi phone jammers (1)


Since examination room jammers are usually purchased in bulk, it is important to ensure that the price is reasonable and does not exceed budget constraints.

3.Quality and durability:

Although lower prices may be attractive, it is crucial to evaluate whether the significantly lower-priced jammers in the examination room will affect the quality and life of the equipment.

With these issues in mind, the second and third points mainly revolve around the price of the examination room jammer. So, what are the factors that affect the price of laboratory jammers?

The cost and price of laboratory jammers include components such as the device host housing, power supply, antenna, RF signal source, power amplifier electronic components, power supply circuit board, etc. In order to reduce costs, the housing, power supply, and power supply circuit board have limited flexibility. The price difference is larger for the antenna, RF signal source and power amplifier electronic components.

18 channel mobile jammersignal vhf wifi phone jammers (3)

Lab jammers can greatly reduce costs by using non-standard RF antennas, such as simple spiral copper wire instead of standard RF antennas. Typically, a lab jammer requires 10-12 such antennas.

To reduce the cost of RF signal source and power amplifier electronic components, one option is to purchase second-hand components from the market or disassemble parts from old mobile phones. This method can quickly reduce costs by at least two-thirds. Best-selling wifi jammers and GPS jammers in Europe and America.

But it should be noted that there are potential risks and disadvantages with second-hand components. Using second-hand components may affect the quality, operational stability and service life of the test room jammer.

Our company promises never to use second-hand components. Our focus is to improve the quality of test room jammer products. When comparing the prices of test room jammers, we prioritize quality rather than pursuing low-cost strategies.

Best Selling Signal Jammers

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